Setting up Docker on Windows

Zwavhudi Mulelu
3 min readNov 12, 2020

Installing and downloading is sooo easy, and I’m not even trying to downplay it. With the steps I’m going to provide in this tutorial, you can complete this process in 10min or less! Without wasting anymore of your time, lets get to it.

I will be downloading Docker for a Windows 64-bit machine.

Step 1: Downloading Docker

You can find Docker specific for your OS (Windows , Linux, etc…) on the Docker home page. I downloaded Docker for Windows from Docker hub here.

Step 2: Installing Docker

After downloading the Docker for Windows Installer, double-click to run it. When the installation starts, it will prompt you to select a few things. Ensure that when the Configuration window pops up, the “Enable Hyper-V Windows Features” box is checked. Check any other box according to your preference. I have all my boxes checked as seen below. Click OK to continue the installation process. This may take a few minutes.

Once Docker is successfully installed, you should see this window below. Click the close and restart button to restart your PC for completion of the installation process.

Step 3: Downloading and Installing latest version of WSL 2 Linux Kernel

If for some reason the WSL 2 Linux Kernel is outdated and you get a popup like the one below after trying to start Docker, click on the link provided to get the latest version.

Step 4: Hello World!

Once the installation process is complete, check if Docker is running, to do this you can check the bottom right of your screen where you have all your icons, expand the hidden icons arrow to see the Docker icon. If the Docker Icon is red, this means it is not running/it failed to run. If it is white then it’s working, you can also just hover over it to find this information.

Once Docker is running, you can start getting your hands dirty. Open your PowerShell terminal and run the following “hello world” command:

docker run hello-world

This is what you should see after running the above command:

Congratulations!! 🎊🎊🎊

You’ve successfully installed Docker.



Zwavhudi Mulelu

Software Enginner | I like sharing new tech info that I've learnt | Love music | Rick and Morty fan